TCPFA - Tulsa County Public Facilities Authority
The Tulsa County Public Facilities authority (TCPFA) is a public trust established in accordance with Oklahoma law. It has the sole purpose of managing all activity occurring on certain property (commonly known as the Tulsa County fairgrounds) which is owned by Tulsa County but leased to the TCPFA. The TCPFA has a five member governing board: the three Tulsa County Commissioners and two private citizens who are appointed by the commissioners. Responsibilities of the TCPFA board includes the hiring of TCPFA’s president and chief executive officer, approval of all contracts necessary for activity occurring on the property, providing oversight of all financial matters and directing long range planning efforts. Meetings of the TCPFA are generally held once a month at 8:30am at Expo Square. The agenda is set by the Chair and all such meetings must meet the requirements of the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act and the Oklahoma Open Records Act.
- Commissioner District #1: Stan Sallee
- Commissioner District #2: Lonnie Sims (Chair)
- Commissioner District #3: Kelly Dunkerley
- Trustee: Daryl Woodard
- Trustee: Mike Spradling
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